'To err is human.' Alexander Pope
A mandarin fell in love with a courtesan. 'I shall be yours,' she told him, 'when you have spent a hundred nights waiting for me, sitting on a stool, in my garden, beneath my window.' But on the ninety-ninth night, the mandarin stood up, put his stool under his arm, and went away.
waiting, A Lover's Discourse by Roland Barthes.
標籤: 抄書
莫明的失落由早至晚如影隨形與我為件。光管壞掉了快一個月,繼而習慣開著台上小燈,在半明不暗的房間裡不斷揭頁。仍舊是隨手亂翻,竟又是Szymborska,Four in the morning:
No one feels good at four in the morning.
If ants feel good at four in the morning
--three cheers for the ants. And let five o'clock come
if we're to go on living.
No one feels good at four in the morning
睡前像有人在耳邊輕聲說,cough no more.
標籤: 亂記